Thursday, March 29, 2007

Week 9 #23

Whew! I thought I would never get here. It took me so long to do everything that I don't know if I can remember what my favorite Things were.

When I set up my blog I just picked a template and got on with it. You may have noticed (or probably not with so many sites to look at) that I have since gone back and selected what I think is a nicer template for a groundhog. I'm more comfortable playing around with my blog now.

Flicker was pretty cool once I learned how to post an image to my blog. That was so long ago now that I'm not sure I remember how to do it. It was a challenge the first time - as they say, "use it or loose it".

The RSS feeds was sort of cool, but I haven't been back to my account to read the feeds since I set them up.

Now YouTube had me hooked because these are very brief videos and you can just pop in and view one without dedicating much time. I especially like the comedy ones for a quick pick-me-up. No wonder it's such a popular site.

My lifelong learning goal is to actually subscribe to the Internet at home. I can't seem to make a decision about the service provider. I will be forced to eventually when I retire and have no email access. Yikes!

I'm surprised I finished the exercises. There were some tough spots along the way that got me so frustrated I wanted to quit. I am pleased that I was successful with most of the exercises.

I suggest that you have a drop in workshop for each week. I attended them and it forced me to find time for the exercises plus the opportunity to ask questions without feeling I was bothering someone during work.

If you offered another discovery program, I probably would not choose to participate - it would depend on the prize at the end.

Thanks for all your efforts on the learning journey. Bye now.

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