Friday, March 9, 2007

Week 5 #12 Rollyo

You probably thought I was hibernating but I've just been busy.

I checked out the Rollyo site and dug my way around. I created a search roll with three travel sites but when I clicked on the create button I had no idea where it went or how to access it. Went to the dashboard and somehow found
it. to see My Little Engine.

Kind of cool if the sites don't move or disappear. I not clear how much easier it is than just bookmarking a site ...

1 comment:

Virtual Services Team said...

Hi Groundhog,

Did you create a search roll? I think this may not be the right link. Try it again or check with a co-worker for help.

Rollyo can be helpful for people who want to repeatedly search the same group of websites. For instance, the Quick Quotes search searches only sites that have quotes, instead of searching the whole known web universe.

Keep up the good work on Learning 2.0 - I'm glad you are back above ground!